Monday, August 3, 2009

Graphicult Debut

Welcome to GraphiCult!

I put up this blogsite primarily to share my knowledge in photoshop (now on referred to as PS), drawing, graphic arts and the likes, and from time to time i'll throw in a couple of personal entries as well.

I'm a neophyte in the blogging community so i have yet to familiarize myself with all the dos & don'ts, i still have a long way to go but i know i'll get the hang of this in no time.

And as for the updates, i'll make at least 2 entries per day. Expect PS tutorials as well as downloadable templates and i'll even cater to requests as soon as i figure out how to embed forms (my programming skills are rusted, haven't done it in 4 yrs).

So that's it for now, wish me luck!


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