Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cool Text Effect using Clipping Mask

Here's how to use the clipping mask in 3 easy steps.

You need to open two images, one will be your background and the other will serve as the image overlay of your text.

1. Once you have the background image opened, select the text tool and input the content (it'll be best if you use large bold fonts).

2.Paste your second image on top of the text.

3. Press Alt+Ctrl+G or go to Layer>Create Clipping Mask

And walah!

Add some Effects to the Layers & adjust the Blending Options to spruce it up.

Here's the outcome:


Anne said...

You taught this to me before! Good thing you use it as a topic hehehe... Now I can refresh my memory hehehe... You're the best! XD

Don said...

ahaha.. really? i forgot that i did!? ehehe.. Thanks Anne!

Dee said...

WOW! this is a nice site especially for a photoshop noob like me. :) Thanks for sharing this anne! Kudos to you Don! :)

Don said...

Thanks Dee! :)

Lito Munoz said...

maybe if you could post model works that we could, as an activity, translate into digital drawings for you to critique that would be great.

clipping mask said...

nice tutorial

keep on sharing...

thank you guys! :)

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